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You can also see the most current resources, information, and updates on the OSP Blog

OSP Spotlight

The Meeting

OSP Spotlight meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Topics include process demonstrations and timely updates about OSP operations, procedures, and systems.

See the Spotlight Meeting Archive to view the recordings. 

The Newsletter

The OSP Spotlight newsletter is distributed via our listserv near the end of the month and provides sponsor updates, professional development opportunities, crucial reminders, and more. 

Newsletter Archive
February 2025New UBI and Workday reporting features, OVPR website for federal sponsor updates, weekly RUVA downtime, F&A explainer, how to access and run reports in Workday
January 2025NIH data security updates, Fly America Act Exception form reminder, NIH 2024 UG update implementation, new OSP blog, updated guide for submitting an agreement, RAF save the date
November 2024Farewell to Lynn Koplin, new website content, RUVA system-to-systemp package upgrade, Fly America Act Exemption form, Interim Associate Director of Contracts, VPR Open Forum: Post Award, additional approvals required before contract signature, NCURA webinar
October 2024UG updates, RAF reminder, signature authority, NCURA webinar, new subaward web content, Open Access and Research Symposium
September 2024PI role changes and award/grant drop-off, Workday budget plan structure update, NIH webinar, National Research Administrators Day, fixed asset grant hierarchy for property manager role, RUVA downtime and enhancements, Workday alerts for missing roles, RAF save the date
August 2024Implementation of UG MTDC definitions, new field for Medicare cost reporting hours, registration open for 2024 CRA course, RUVA downtime
July 2024Reallocation of F&A revenue, award analyst role in Workday, Workday report for view grant lifecycle status and allowable spend categories, budget changes between spend categories within a grant worktag, new White House guidelines for research security, NCURA webinar
June 2024New award setup web content, lab transfer web content, check printing changes and check requests, new CFR website, OSP piloting SOM proposal naming conventions, adding cost share worktag strings to Proposal Cost Budget title, blacklisted Chinese company funded millions in US research awards
May 20242024 NIHGPS, OMB publishes UG updates, disclosing participation in talent recruitment programs, NSF system enhancements, learning more about subawards, challenge and prize competition awards, new webpage for announcements and events, OSP in-person week

Research Administrators Forum (RAF)

This semiannual professional forum brings the UVA research administration community together with the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and OSP to discuss sponsor updates and university initiatives. In-person attendance also provides opportunities to network and collaborate with colleagues across Grounds.

See the RAF Archive to view the recordings. 

Need Help Navigating OSP?

Stephan Cooley serves as the Sponsored Programs Research Navigator. He can help by connecting you with knowledgable experts and valuable resources to obtain the support you need.

Contact the Research Navigator

Email for assistance.