Contact about a Specific Project

You can find the individual assisting with a specific project in RUVA or Workday, as relevant to your question. The table below provides the system, record type, field, and responsible team.

SystemRecord TypeContactResponsible Team
RUVAFunding Proposal, AwardSpecialistPre-Award
RUVAAgreementOwnerPre-Award or Contracts
WorkdayAwardContract OwnerPre-Award
WorkdayGrantPost-Award PortfolioPost Award

Senior staff, Managers, Associate Directors, and Directors welcome you to contact them for support when attempts to reach an OSP team or staff member are unsuccessful.

We're Here to Help

Below, you will find contact information for OSP leadership and staff as well as team email addresses. See the Portfolio Assignments spreadsheet to see OSP contacts assigned to cost centers. You can also refer to the Roles and Responsibilities Matrix for more insight into who is best to contact at different stages of the award life cycle. 

OSP Administration

Stewart Craig, Executive Director | spc4bj | 434-924-4274

Rita Lam, Business Operations & Training Manager | rs2mc

Melissa Bickley, Sr. Administrative Assistant | nuk7fs

Stephan Cooley, OSP Research Navigator | qpq5qx |

OSP Pre-Award

MaryBeth Spaulding, Associate Director of Pre-Award | mas7zt

Chelsea Blakely, Grants and Contracts Administrator | ccb5q

Samantha Bryant, Award Setup Manager | smb5am

Amy Cavanah, Senior Grants and Contracts Administrator | jpf7vq

Tetyana Clarke, Grants and Contracts Administrator | aca8ge

Marguerite Guildford, Senior Grants and Contracts Administrator | mgg2f

Jake Huff, Grants and Contracts Specialist | hyz7pc

Jennifer McCullars Mead, Award Setup Administrator | fcj5bj

Jenna Rybnicky, Grants and Contracts Specialist | vha8nx

Amanda Silvester, Senior Grants and Contracts Administrator | xvh6wz

Nathan Smith, Grants and Contracts Administrator | tzg6cr

Andrew Vaserfirer, Grants and Contracts Administrator | cup3uc

Emily Wallace, Senior Grants and Contracts Administrator | wkw8dm


Bill Schoelwer, Associate Director of Pre-Award | wjs3q

Angela Behrend, Senior Grants and Contracts Administrator | ags3f

Kelly Bergeron, Senior Grants and Contracts Administrator | vbg6bw

Simon Butcher, Subaward Award Manager | dze5ff

Janae Cantu, Grants and Contracts Administrator | qbs4mk

Claire Child, Grants and Contracts Administrator | ckc9na

Judy Mallory, Senior Grants and Contracts Administrator | jdm6a

Leora Payne, Grants and Contracts Administrator | lp4bh

Stacy Schwenke, Senior Grants and Contracts Administrator | akn3kp

Adettra Thomas, Grants and Contracts Administrator | aat4h

Eric Warren, Grants and Contracts Specialist | fgt2kj

Zach Weeks, Grants and Contracts Specialist | zw6gc


Contact OSP Pre-Award:

OSP Contract Negotiators

Sharon Taraska, Interim Associate Director of Contracts | slt2ha | 434-924-6583

Mia Abernathy, Lead Contract Negotiator | ffk9nk

Sarah Brown, Senior Contract Negotiator | snb4n

Celeste Chilton, Contract Negotiator | cmc6tj

Tiffany Crawford, Senior Contract Negotiator | nes7vc

Cooper Drady, Senior Contract Negotiator | yyp5gr

Autumn Flores, Senior Contract Negotiator | ycs4kp

Dale Brent Gunsalus, Lead Contract Negotiator | dbg6w

Charis Link, Contract Negotiator | mwe5kf

Nathaniel Scott, Senior Contract Negotiator | tny4kh

Tim Spaulding, Senior Contract Negotiator | ykf7gw

Sandy Ulmer, Senior Contract Negotiator | bdd9sf

Laura Williams, Senior Contract Negotiator | lw2px


Contact OSP Contracts:

OSP Post Award

Urmila Bajaj, Director of Post Award | ub3n

Gareth Evans, Associate Director of Post Award | gre5m

Christa Albanez, Senior Accountant | azk7up

Ryan Babcock, Senior Accountant | xzm6fc

Christine Estes, Senior Accountant | cce4f

Jeanne Flores, Accountant | rnc6uv

Alpana Gautam, Senior Accountant | asg8a

Jennifer Kaminski, Senior Accountant | tpw5mp

Saraa Lkhagvasuren, Accountant | kec3px

Miranda Martin, Accountant | dck7xf

Darcy Rugar, Senior Accountant | dlr9e

Shuzhen (Janet) Shi, Accountant | ejb9hc

Stephanie Steen, Accountant | zaz6fp


Kelly Mays, Assistant Director of Financial Compliance | kds7c

Mike Priddy, Manager of Financial Compliance | mjp5em

Taylor Hoelscher, Financial Analyst | teh6c

Suzanne Miller, Financial Analyst | sud5gh

Patra Wanant, Senior Financial Analyst | pw3r


Catina Seitz, Associate Director of Cash Management | css9n

Adesola Abimbola, Senior Accountant | pvp9pn

James Bowen, Senior Accountant | jeb5t

Jessica Maciaszek, Cash Accountant | jm3au

Tina Schmookler, Post Award Accountant | ts3sz


Contact OSP Post Award:

See the Post-Award page for more contact options. 

Payment/Mailing Address and Physical Location
Address TypeAddress
Payment and Mailing Address

P.O. Box 400195

Charlottesville, VA 22904-4195

Physical Location

Carruthers Hall

1001 Emmet St

Second Floor

Charlottesville, VA 22903

Still unsure?

Email anytime or call 434-924-4270 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.