
The University receives sponsored awards for research and development, public services, and student support. This procedure is for managing sponsored programs that have budget deficits.


The PI is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the rate of spending on sponsored awards is aligned with the approved budget. 

Grant Managers are responsible for:

  • Reviewing sponsored program budget balances.
  • Altering the PI and taking corrective actions if expenses are not aligned with the authorized budgets. 

School/Departmental Administrators are responsible for:

  • Covering overdrafts on sponsored programs.

The Director of Post Award in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is responsible for:

  • Providing oversight of budget deficits as they pertain to sponsored programs.


Review is performed by the responsible PIs, Grant Managers and OSP Post Award:

  1. OSP Post Award identifies sponsored programs in overdraft status while preparing financial reports or invoices.
  2. OSP Post Award contacts the Grant Manager assigned to the Award & Grant. 
  3. If corrective action has not been taken to clear the deficit, OSP Post Award moves the deficits to the department's non-sponsored F&A DN worktag. 

Any deficit charges that are cleared via this process may not be moved back onto any sponsored program source without written approval fro the Director of Post Award or a designee in OSP.

Grants that are set up without funding, such as cost sharing, program income, clincial trials, or other sponsored activities, are exempt from this review process. 


The Executive Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for ensuring that this procedure is necessary, reflects actual practice, and supports University policy.

Related Policies

FIN-003: Management of Sponsored Program Awards in Budget Deficit

RES-009: Compliance with Sponsor Requirements