Agreement Type | Acronym | Additional Information | Documents Required Prior to Execution |
Clinical Trial Agreement | CSA | A Clinical Study Agreement (CSA) or Clinical Trial Agreement manages the relationship between the sponsor providing a study drug or device, the financial support and/or proprietary information and the institution for the purpose of performing a clinical trial. A CSA must also be used for non-interventional clinical research agreements, including chart reviews, registries, and retrospective studies. |
Confidentiality Agreement | CDA | A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), also known as a Confidentiality Agreement (CA), Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA), Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA), or Secrecy Agreement, is a contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes often to discuss a potential research project, but wish to restrict access to or by third parties. | |
Consortium Agreement | CON | A Consortium Agreement governs the relationship between multiple parties desiring to cooperate in an ongoing research endeavor. The Consortium Agreement often includes a defined structure and governance model for the parties participating in the consortium. |
Data Use Agreement | DUA | A Data Use Agreement (DUA) or Data Transfer and Use Agreement (DTUA) governs the transfer and use of specific data between organizations. |
Internally Funded Outgoing Award | IFO | In an Internally Funded Outgoing Award (IFO), UVA is the author of the research plan and provides funding from internal sources to a recipient organization or institution to perform some aspect of the research plan. Unlike an outgoing subcontract, an IFO is not subject to the terms of any prime award. |
Intellectual Property Management Plan | IP | An Intellectual Property Management Plan (IPMP) or Allocation of Rights (AOR) agreement proactively addresses the protection and disposition of intellectual property resulting from a federally funded research collaboration. These agreements are only executed when required by the federal sponsor. | |
Licensing Agreement | LA | A Licensing Agreement (LA) is between the owner of a property (Licensor) and a party to which the (Licensor) grants certain rights of use (Licensee). This agreement type covers grants of rights to use property other than (1) biological research material, for which an MTA should be executed; or (2) physical assets such as equipment, for which a Loan Agreement should be executed. In the research setting, LAs are most frequently executed for software and other intangible property. |
Master Agreement | MA | A Master Agreement governs an ongoing research relationship between parties that is intended to cover multiple discrete projects or tasks under a consistent set of terms and conditions. Subsequent discrete tasks or projects intended to be subject to the terms and conditions of a Master Agreement should be identified using the applicable agreement type, and then linked to the relevant Master Agreement using the Manage Relationships functionality. Commonly used tasks under a Master Agreement are Sponsored Research Agreement, Confidentiality Agreement, and Material Transfer Agreement. | |
Material Transfer Agreement | MTA | A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) covers the transfer and use of specific research material (e.g. chemical compound or biological substance) between organizations. |
Multi-Purpose Agreement | MPA | Multi-purpose Agreements (MPA) govern the transfer of at least two of the following: confidential/proprietary information, data, and/or research material. An MPA must also be used when UVA will be engaged in an ongoing collaborative effort with one or more other institutions, with no funding changing hands. An MPA is the correct agreement type for such a project, whether or not confidential information, data, or research material are also being exchanged. |
Outgoing Subaward | SUB | An Outgoing Subaward is an agreement between UVA (pass-through entity [PTE] on a sponsored award) and another entity (Subrecipient) to which the PTE transfers a portion of the work and funding. The Outgoing Subaward incorporates certain terms and conditions that have been agreed to by the external sponsor and the PTE. An Outgoing Subaward contains provisions governing the relationship between the PTE and Subrecipient including payment terms, financial reporting, intellectual property, publication rights, data retention, and many others. If the project is internally funded, please select an internally funded outgoing award type. |
Physical Asset Loan Agreement | EQP | A Physical Asset Loan Agreement (EQP) grants to another party certain rights to use physical tangible property for a fixed period. In the research setting, Loan Agreements are most frequently executed for Equipment. This agreement type excludes: (1) biological research material, for which an MTA should be executed, or (2) intangible property, for which a Licensing Agreement should be executed. |
Sponsored Research Agreement | SRA | A Sponsored Research Agreement (SRA) is a contract between UVA and another party to conduct research at our institution. Under an SRA, UVA receives funds from the counterparty or sponsor to support the research. This includes applied research, basic research, developmental research, research training, research fellowship, instruction, incoming purchase orders (POs), service and other sponsored agreements. |
Teaming Agreement | TA | A Teaming Agreement indicates general assent as to the nature of the working relationship to prepare a proposal for extramural funding. Teaming Agreements may also set forth basic terms related to the eventual division of work, ownership of intellectual property, and other programmatic details, should the funding proposal be awarded. |
Other Agreement | OTH | Includes: