Screenshot of Institutional Information page

Sponsors often request specific details about UVA within proposals and Representations and Certifications (Certs & Reps). Although the OSP Institutional Information page has historically provided ample information for these purposes, feedback often identifies difficulty locating and sifting through the information as sources of concern.

In response, Bill Schoelwer and Eric Warren took on the task of updating and reorganizing this vital information. 

Summary of Updates 

  • The information was reorganized to closer align with the information provided by the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP).
  • Information for common questions included in Certs & Reps was added.
  • Information was reviewed for accuracy, and outdated information was updated. 
  • Tables were removed from accordion items to allow for easier searching.
    • To find specific information, navigate to the page, press 'Ctl+F' on the keyboard, and type your keywords. 

We will continue to monitor this information to ensure it is up-to-date and accurate. Take a moment to check out the updated Institutional Information page when you get a chance!
