Screenshot of new Cost Share Certification Form

OSP Post Award has created a Cost Share Certification Form for PIs to document and certify cost share, in-kind, and third party match. See the Post-Award page under "Forms" or navigate to the resource directly to download.

What Is Cost Sharing?

Some funding opportunities require cost sharing as a requirement if selected for the award. Cost sharing refers to allowable and allocable costs on a sponsored project that are not covered by the sponsor and encompasses three types: 

  • Mandatory Cost Sharing—cost sharing required as a condition of funding;
  • Voluntary Committed Cost Sharing—cost sharing pledged on a voluntary basis in the proposed budget or federal award that becomes a binding requirement of the award; or,
  • Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing—cost sharing above and beyond what is proposed and required for the award.

Cost sharing represents real costs that must be redirected from other sources, typically department funds, local funds, gifts, and endowment income. UVA is required to track cost-shared expenditures and submit certified reports to sponsors. 

See the Cost Share on Sponsored Projects procedure to learn more. You can email questions to