Office of Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) fosters a vibrant research environment at University of Virginia by providing comprehensive support for the university's management of externally funded research and development efforts while ensuring sound fiscal responsibility. 

Our mission is to empower faculty, staff, and students to achieve their research endeavors by offering expert guidance in proposal submission and contract negotiation, ensuring compliance with applicable policies and laws, and facilitating efficient award administration. We are dedicated to supporting innovation, collaboration, and excellence in research, thereby furthering the university's mission to advance, preserve, and disseminate knowledge for the benefit of society. 

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Current Proposals and Awards

Last updated: 03/25/2025 - 1:29am
Number Proposals Blue

# of Proposals
Dollar Proposals Blue

$ of Proposals
Number Awards Orange

# of Awards
Dollare Awards Orange

$ of Awards
DollarRE Green

$ of Research Expenditures

The OSP Pre-Award team collaborates with the UVA research community to review and submit proposals for sponsored research, negotiate non-industry grant or cooperative agreements, coordinate subawards, and accept awards on behalf of the University.

The OSP Contracts team negotiates and executes research-related agreements and contracts at the University of Virginia.

Upon award execution, the Post-Award team provides comprehensive service in financial award management, compliance, and audit.

OVPR Info Team in the Office of the Vice President for Research provides services and support for the rapidly growing research enterprise at UVA.

The Office of Sponsored Programs is here for you, and we welcome you to reach out.

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